Welcome to the Advocates for New Jersey History.
Let us share our mission with you.
We hope you’ll join us.
Advocate for the history community by uniting our stakeholders – the Governor and Legislature, public history agencies, libraries and archives, schools and universities, historic preservationists, museums, historic sites and historical societies.
Lead by identifying important projects we must undertake to make New Jersey’s history accessible to all.
Coordinate the activities of the history community by bringing the arts, history and humanities together.
Preserve our historic sites and resources for our citizens to enjoy and take pride in.
Contribute to New Jersey’s economy through heritage tourism and historic preservation.
Inform the public policy process.
Our Mission
The Advocates for New Jersey History uphold public history as fundamental to democracy and advocate and lobby for sufficient funds to promote public history and preserve our historic resources; and encourage decision-making by citizens and elected officials informed by history.